about us
We are delighted to introduce AMÖR Community, an event with a mission to help Earths environment while celebrating the universal language of music & dance. Also As space travelers, we have traversed many galaxies and discovered that music and dance are powerful tools that can bring people together from all corners of the universe.

At AMÖR Community, we believe in the power of music and dance to unite people and create positive change. Our team consists of two passionate individuals who have traveled far and wide, and have a deep commitment to creating a positive impact on Earth.

We understand that environmental conservation is of utmost importance to the inhabitants of Earth. That's why we have created Aeon Community to not only bring people together in celebration, but also to raise funds to support organizations that work towards protecting the environment.

Join us at AMÖR Community and experience a wide range of artists that deliver nothing but amazing music and atmosphere, surrounded by like-minded individuals who share your passion for music and the environment. Some of the profits from every event will go towards organizations that work towards environmental conservation and advocacy.

let's dance our way towards a better future for the planet and all its inhabitants.

©2023 Amor COMMUNITY